Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Giant penis on roof of house!


The fact that is was there for a year and his parents didn't know anything about it is the funniest thing!


Anonymous said...

LOL. that is pretty epic. i feel sorry for the guy who has to clean that up after wards :')

James Byrne said...

Haha heard about that!


It's JimJam btw. Hai x

Chris Horrie said...

Yeah - more stories like this. Can you just find and blog loads of good stories like this. You've got a good tabloid eye - let's develop that.

Also when you get a moment please add these links to this blog.
Winchester Journalism
Winchester MA Journalism
Winchester BA Journalism
Winchester International Journalism
Winchester Studios and Facilities
Winchester Lecturers

Paul Carrett said...

all done!

Chris Horrie said...

Thanks for adding the links. I apprefciate that. I reckon the penis story was a set up for the tabloids.

Glenn Hutt said...

Set up or not, that's just brilliant!!!