Monday, 1 March 2010

WINOL Week 3 Debrief

Winchester News Online Bulletin 24/02/2010

Debrief by Chris Horrie

The bulletin is generally very good.
Stu recovered from the autocue not working and didn't panic.
The headlines were good, with dramatising and puns added to most of them.

Notes about the first story -
  • Use people's function first, not name, unless they are a celebrity.
  • Make sure you are convinced that it's reasonable to call this person a "leading" councillor.
  • Sentence structure should be: Subject -> Verb -> Object, it's basic but never wrong.
  • "The move follows..." is the perfect start to any 2nd paragraph.
  • Story begins with a good quote.
  • You tell the story with your voice and the interview is for quotes.
  • "They've got good intentions, but good intentions don't pay the bills" - Good example of a 'quote'
  • A problem is that Joey didn't have any cutaways, so he could only cut away to Trinity.
  • Looks like cutting room journalism which is from the old days, where reporters would film for hours on a tape and then cut it together.
  • The process when filming a story should be: 1. Think of a story 2. Go and do it.
Notes about the second story -
  • Classically written newspaper court report, but no pictures.
  • Did well to get the interview with the relative.
  • Made a big deal about legal reporting restrictions, told the viewer, looks very professional, like you know the law, which is good.
  • Possible juxtaposition libel, don't make people identifiable by cars (registration plate) etc.
Notes about the third story -
  • Comment in the link, it is reasonable, but we need to know the difference between fact and comment and only use fact.
  • Qualified priviliage to film the people at the parking discussion.
Notes about the forth story -
  • Interviewee telling the story in his interview, should be told by Jon.
  • Time = Quality of the interview, the longer the interview is, the more useful quotes you will have.
The sport and the 'And finally...' were also very good.

The bulletin is not perfect but 80% there to what you see on regional bulletins.



Chris Horrie said...

very useful notes

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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